The project is implemented using the funding of the State Research Program.
Project name: "National Research Program Project in Biomedicine, Medical Technologies and Pharmacy"
Project no. VPP-EM-BIOMEDICINA-2022/1-0001.
Project no. VPP-EM-BIOMEDICINA-2022/1-0001
Project name: "National Research Program Project in Biomedicine, Medical Technologies and Pharmacy"
Acronym: BioMedPharm
Project implementation period: December 1, 2022 - November 30, 2024
Total financing of the project: 5,700,000.00 euros
Leading partner: Institute of Organic Synthesis
Cooperation partners:
- Latvian Biomedical Research and Study Center
- Riga Stradins University
- Riga Technical University
- University of Latvia
- Scientific Institute of Food Safety, Animal Health and Environment "BIOR"
The goal of the project: is to create a national-level research platform in biomedicine aimed at solving public health challenges in the field of RIS3 specialization "Biomedicine, medical technologies, biopharmaceutics and biotechnology.